Last week we loaded up a houseboat for a week of family fun to Lake Powell. Which means... I unplugged my online business for a full week for the first time in four years!

Kind of crazy to realize I have never taken off a full week like that since I started Beachbody coaching!

While I've always taken off Sunday's since the beginning of my career, I've never fully unplugged for a family vacation. On family vacations I would just wake up super early to get things done before the kids woke up, and stay up after they went to bed if needed.

This time was intentionally different! All my challenge groups had just ended. My coach training group had just ended. My next fitness challenge group starts June 27th. So no groups to check in on. My team knew I was unplugging. Completely off for an entire week!

Funny how years ago that was everyday life. Would you believe the year before I signed up as a coach I made ONE post that entire year - when Phoebe was born? Then I learned the power of the Internet to build a business and connect with people around the world. Now here I am making sure my customers and coaches know I'm not ignoring them, just unplugged.

So, After a week at Lake Powell, we are HOME.

We played in the sand, a lot. Made an epic sand castle. Went fishing. Slept under the stars. Made a campfire and roasted marshmallows. Went down the slide off the top deck. Read a book. Watched movies. Did lots of water sports. Cruised the lake. Went hiking. Took naps. And explored canyons.

But of course there were lots of melt downs. Tired kids. Grumpy parents. We traveled the whole first day on the houseboat to a canyon to find no empty campsites. Made a temporary campsite that night against a pile of rocks before moving the next day. Minimal A/C meant lots of hot days and nights. And Thursday night my heart was broken as screams of panic came from the houseboat directly across us in the bay. A man was electrocuted and died that night. I felt so helpless praying from our houseboat as I heard a woman weeping in the night and saw the helicopter come. He was a husband and father of two young kids, doing a repair on the houseboat.

We headed home Saturday feeling very tired and reflective. As Murphy's Law would have it- we had a trailer tire blow out on the freeway. Thanks to my paranoia (and the fact that the mass amount of cars were not moving over on the freeway) I made my patient husband call highway patrol and wait in the car for 30+ minutes for a cop to show up and direct traffic away so Jayson could safely change the tire.

But we made it home. Together. As a family. 

Grateful for this time together, the memories, the experience.

And grateful for the reminder that life is precious - always focus on what matters most. 

Second time to Lake Powell as a family! First time in a houseboat for a week and somehow survived a week without the internet. Imagine that. ;)