STRUGGLE IS LESS PAINFUL THAN REGRET | What you do today MATTERS! Set goals and stay committed through the uncomfortable.

Ahhhh I'm so excited for Mack! 

He was introduced to the idea of computer programming at school. He heard that ASU hosts summer tech camps where the kids learn how to design their own game. It's something he hasn't stopped talking about! 

He has been nagging us to let him sign up. He really wants to learn about computer programming. 

Soooooo we signed him up for a week long summer camp to learn JavaScript. He's SO excited to design his own game! 

The look on Mack's face when I told him we enrolled him was priceless. 

Here's to new goals being pursued & new talents being learned.

I am so proud of this boy of mine and his dedication to learning new things. There is no doubt this is going to stretch him. But- I also have no doubt he won't quit! 

I've had a few things on my mind lately namely... How freaking UNCOMFORTABLE it can be to set goals.

Why is that? 

Well..... It's because that goal becomes a constant reminder that you want something that you don't have right now. Hello tension! 

I've noticed when people set goals they either work hard to ease that discomfort by moving CLOSER to their goals....


They give up. They lie to themselves and convince themselves that they didn't REALLY want that goal anyways. 

But those are the ONLY two options to release the tension and unease that comes with setting goals. 

It breaks my heart to see people throw in the towel and give up on their goals. And all because it was a struggle to change their life. 

Here's the thing, I know ALL TOO WELL from past experience that giving up does actually provide TEMPORARY and instant relief. >>>> And then it brings REGRET.

Having lived with both, I can tell you STRUGGLE is far less painful then REGRET. Struggle is temporary. But you live the REST of your life with that regret. 

Choose wisely! 


"Success is like a breath of air. While your last breath of air was important. It's not nearly as important as your next breath.... If you stop trying to succeed, it's like trying to live the rest of your life off your last breath of air." 

What you do TODAY matters most!