“Mom, do you have any work that needs to be done around the house? Would you consider hiring me to come deep clean, or complete some scrapbook pages so I could earn some money?”

When we first moved to Idaho Falls we were just coming off our bankruptcy. We were getting by on a month to month basis. But vacations? Out of the question. 

I remember when our 5 year anniversary was approaching in 2010 I wanted to do SOMETHING to celebrate. 

Five years of marriage - kind of a big deal! 

I figured the ONLY way we’d be able to do ANYTHING was for me to find a way to earn the money. With two young kids at home, getting an outside job wasn’t gonna happen after factoring in daycare. So I asked my mom if I could come work for her on an hourly wage. 

~ I deep cleaned her house.  
~ I finished scrapbook pages.  
~ I organized closets and storage rooms.  
& I tracked my hours and she graciously paid me. 

I counted the miles from Idaho Falls down to St George Utah. Calculated what that would be in gas. I found the cheapest hotel possible that offered breakfast. And set a budget to cover 20 dollars a day for our lunches & dinners. And an additional 20 dollars so we could go to the movies once. 

I still remember the spreadsheet I made to calculate EXACTLY how much money I needed to earn to cover that little St George anniversary getaway.

I think that experience forever changed me. Cuz you know what I realized? 

1 - I don’t EVER want to go on a vacation and have to count every single dollar and use coupons for every meal.  😛

2 - If I want something for my family I AM CAPABLE OF CREATING IT!!! 

What an empowering realization for this college dropout!

The newfound awareness that I CAN CREATE SPECIAL MOMENTS FOR MY FAMILY bled over to Beachbody. When I was introduced to coaching Beachbody was offering a trip to Disneyworld if you consistently worked your business. My kids had NEVER been to Disneyworld or Disneyland and I had already told myself Disneyland was something my kids would likely NEVER experience thanks to the hefty price tag of flights, hotel rooms, & Disney tickets. 

But good golly, a chance to EARN a Disney trip? I was all over that!!

I showed my kids pictures of Disneyworld, I looked them in the eyes, & I PROMISED them I would EARN that trip. 

I may have come into this quite socially awkward. I came in with zero marketing experience. No big social platform in place. Really…. my “credentials” aren’t too impressive. 

But you know what I DO have? A MOMMA BEAR love for my family. I will step OUT of my comfort zone and do uncomfortable things - for my family. 

I did whatever it took to earn that simple anniversary trip.  
& I did whatever it took to earn that Disneyland trip. 

And I CONTINUE to work hard, and do WHATEVER IT TAKES to afford trips like the week we just spent in California. 

And gosh, it was WORTH it. This past week in Cali was SUCH an AMAZING trip!! And MAYBE for these other families that were there this is their norm. But for US - just a few years ago THIS NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE!! 

A WEEK in California? Away from a 9-5 job? Not eating up vacation time? Not counting dollars when we go out to eat? 

I can’t TELL YOU how grateful I am. 

Ladies - you can have your husband work hard and cover the bills. But let me tell you this - if there's something you see your family going without - YOU ARE CAPABLE OF CREATING the means to provide that. YES, YOU!! 

You want your kids to see the world? You want MORE vacation time as a family? 

Then get OUT of your own way, and CREATE the means to do so. 


#thepowerofMommaBearLove  #anything4myfamily

* In case you missed the I WORK HARD memo - Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach's income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. *